The importance of dentures in the field of dentistry is really great. Today, dentures are one of the best solutions to a person’s need and desire for a beautiful and enviable smile. They are used in elderly patients who do not have a certain number of teeth, or even none. Then we talk about total, partial, immediate dentures, valplast. The advantage of a denture is that it is flexible and light, which achieves absolute comfort in the mouth, and is also aesthetically very acceptable.
When it comes to flexible total dentures, valplast is literally the most widespread and popular solution. It is also ideal if, for some reason, it is not possible to place implants or bridges. It differs from a classic prosthesis in that there are no more worries about ugly metal clips or blisters and discomfort. This method provides high adaptability to each patient, durability and, of course, real aesthetic value, which is imperative.
These flexible prostheses are made of biocompatible, thermoplastic, nylon material that is hypoallergenic. The real advantage is that this material reacts to the temperature in the mouth, and due to the heat it becomes flexible, which makes it very comfortable and easily adaptable.
If you think this option is less durable because of its flexible features, you are wrong. These prostheses usually come with a manufacturer’s lifetime warranty – subject to proper use, hygiene and maintenance, of course.